
on video Top 5 Big Copper Wire Generator 220v Use Small Transformer / FREE ENERGY

How to make a free energy generator at home without battery is an ambitious project which will have more than one part currently i am waiting for parts to improve this free energy generator in the video at the end of this tutorial you will see measurements output and all you will need to build this free energy device.Warning the output at this moment is 0.7w but it can be improved to the point that you will able to charge your phone and in the part3 you will able to run light charge a battery and charge your phone and run a radio so you will be set for any emergency power out storm or when the main will fail.


How to make a free energy generator at home without battery is an ambitious project which will have more than one part currently i am waiting for parts to improve this free energy generator in the video at the end of this tutorial you will see measurements output and all you will need to build this free energy device.Warning the output at this moment is 0.7w but it can be improved to the point that you will able to charge your phone and in the part3 you will able to run light charge a battery and charge your phone and run a radio so you will be set for any emergency power out storm or when the main will fail.


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